Our Curriculum Drivers

The Vision and Values of
The Care Federation
Our community supports our children to accept new challenges and be resilient in the face of adversity; to have humour, a willingness to laugh and be graceful in difficult situations.
We will open doors to opportunity and eyes to possibility – unlocking curious minds with knowledge that will allow our children to achieve excellence and realise their ambitions.
We proudly insist upon respect for all as we walk with every child to seize their best adventure.
We do this because we CARE.

At The Care Federation the outcomes of the EYFS and National Curriculum are upheld as a minimum entitlement for all of our children. To know more and remember more children must be inspired and engaged in purposeful, relevant experiences. At The Care Federation we provide an enhanced and enriched curriculum that opens doors of opportunity to every learner. In practice, this means half-termly, real-life visits and visitors and weekly sessions in areas such as first aid, Forest School or photography.Â
These opportunities support the development of a rich, broad vocabulary for all of our children based on real experiences that embed understanding and ignite curiosity across subjects; they allow us to recognise and celebrate children’s strengths in all fields possible; they allow us to use all resources available to value how children learn best both within and outside of the classroom and they allow us to nurture learners that respect their own and others’ rights; that are mentally, physically and academically confident and capable to continue their next phase of learning.
Coverage of the whole school curriculum has been carefully mapped to ensure that progression across year groups and across subjects is sequenced toward clear end points. Learning that takes place in the home and community, as well as that from nursery and at the high school, is appropriately recognised. Links are made that provide relevant, holistic accounts of the child’s educational journey.
The curriculum at The Care Federation supports and challenges all learners. Every child is championed and celebrated.